Monday, February 28, 2011

Daily goals

My daily goals are to fix my oh project website and email everyone the link of our project.

Also I need to figure out if I'm taking fcat.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

daily reflections

Today we did 3 different types of government, dudeacracy, democracy, and dictatorship.The dudeacracy didn't really work out because only the boys could decide which didn't last very long. Then we did dictatorship which was fine for awhile but I wouldn't like to have it for a long time. I liked the democracy because everyone had there say in everything.

P.S. I really liked this way We learned this because everyone actually did each of the government types. Like jojo was a dictator.

Monday, February 21, 2011

My family goverment

My family is a democracy because everyone gets a say in things. Like when were looking for houses we wouldn't get one if AJ didn't like it we wouldn't get it and if I didn't like it we wouldn't get it. We always have to agree on it.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

check out

Today I did a lot of pbl editing. But we were having some serious internet problems. Tonight I am going to finish editing my literary analysis paper.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Daily goals check out

Today I fixed some of my benchmarks, but Mr. Huber has to finish editing them!

This week I will try and finish editing all of my benchmarks.

Daily Goals

I plan on doing a lot of stuff for my lesson plan!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Daily Goals

I plan to finish the lesson rubric, and do some more on the lesson plan.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Daily goals check out

  • Did you achieve your daily goals? Why or why not? Yes!!! I got everything done!
  • Are you on pace? If not what do you need to do before Wednesday to be back on pace? I am on pace! I finished the form for the lesson plan.
  • What are your next steps? Get my emails from my experts.

Daily Goals

I am planning on finishing the lesson planning form. I also am sending something to Mr. Huber. I am waiting or my experts to write back.

Monday, February 7, 2011

daily reflections

I achieved my goals, but I need to finish my lesson plan. I am on pbl pace. I might need to work with Mckenzie later to finish our lesson plan.